2024-2025 “BE A CHAMPION”
As we start this new school year, we are asking you to make the School of Champions even better with a gift to the “One Team, Many Dreams” Friends of Lane Annual Campaign of 2024-2025. Support our students’ dreams. Our goal is 100% participation from every Lane family.
As you may already know, Lane Tech relies on Friends of Lane to help fund many projects throughout the school that benefit students and teachers, as well as improve and maintain our facilities. In the last year, your contributions to Friends of Lane have made the following projects possible (click on link to see more):
New state-of-the-art Auditorium Sound System (coming in early 2024!)
Improvements to the Weight Room
Over $27K in Teacher Grants that support cultural clubs, athletics, world language classes, drama department & more
Student Council Grants for each grade level to support each class’s needs
New furniture for the Wellness Center
Pear Deck subscription
Clock Tower maintenance
Furniture for student “lounge space” outside the main office
New electrical wiring in the Aquaponics Lab
New MacBooks for the Art Department
New concrete walkway and steps refurbishment on the Addison side of the building
New Furniture in the College & Career Center
Your donations, big and small, will enable us to bring to fruition many exciting projects on the horizon such as upgrades to the main school entrance (Door M), sidewalk refurbishment on the Addison side of the building, Gym I renovations, improvements to Gym 3, new auditorium balcony seating, new water fountains, and more!
Donating is easy:
You can spread out your contribution in monthly installments over the year
All contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law
Electronic payments via GiveSmart or Zelle using the links below
Checks can be made out to Friends of Lane and mailed to the school or dropped off at the Spirit Store
Consider asking your employer if matching funds are available
Friends of Lane can also accept donations of appreciated securities including stock, bonds, and mutual funds
Thank you for your support of Friends of Lane and for helping to make Lane Tech the School of Champions.
Please donate today to the 2024-2025 Annual Appeal!
Maximize your contributions!
Many employers have programs to match their employees’ charitable donations. Consider asking your employer if matching funds are available. Friends of Lane’s tax ID number is #(47-0971734). Please send all contribution forms to treasurer.fol@friendsoflane.org.
The most efficient way to contribute to Friends of Lane is via the Zelle/QuickPay. You can use your bank’s mobile app or online banking solution to make a fee free contribution to treasurer.fol@friendsoflane.org. If you would like to receive a receipt, please include your email address. Get started today at: https://www.zellepay.com/get-started
Friends of Lane can accept donations of appreciated securities, including stock, bonds and mutual funds. Please contact treasurer.fol@friendsoflane.org for complete instructions.
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Matching Gift Search
This app can help you determine if your company offer matching donations.
Your gift to Friends of Lane, a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, is tax-deductible as allowed by U.S. law.
Contributions are facilitated via GiveSmart or Zelle.
Additional contribution options and all payment inquiries can be directed via email to treasurer.fol@friendsoflane.org.