Friday, May 6th 2022
The Green & Gold Auction, formerly the Gala & Auction, is Lane Tech's largest parent-driven, community fundraising event! Its success provides support for programs not funded by CPS; including teacher grants, modernizing Lane's aging facility, adding security upgrades to keep students safe and supporting all e-learning and technology needs. For questions or to lend a hand, contact: julie.balber@friendsoflane.org
Join Friends of Lane for an Amazing Week to bid on over 250 Auction Items featuring Dining, Tutoring, Vacation Homes, Activities, Retail and More!
Friends of Lane WIN TO SPIN
$100 Green & Gold Peloton Raffle Tickets
Buy tickets now and you could be on your new bike in no time!
Peloton Gift Card Value $2,200 and only ONE winner will be chosen.
Proceeds to Benefit FOL
Tickets can be purchased online using the link below.