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Friday, May 6th 2022


The Green & Gold Auction, formerly the Gala & Auction, is Lane Tech's largest parent-driven, community fundraising event! Its success provides support for programs not funded by CPS; including teacher grants, modernizing Lane's aging facility, adding security upgrades to keep students safe and supporting all e-learning and technology needs. For questions or to lend a hand, contact:


Join Friends of Lane for an Amazing Week to bid on over 250 Auction Items featuring Dining, Tutoring, Vacation Homes, Activities, Retail and More!


Friends of Lane WIN TO SPIN

$100 Green & Gold Peloton Raffle Tickets

Buy tickets now and you could be on your new bike in no time!

Peloton Gift Card Value $2,200 and only ONE winner will be chosen.
Proceeds to Benefit FOL

Tickets can be purchased online using the link below. 


Peloton Raffle Tickets


Browse our
Online Auction


Live on 5/7/2021

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