Volunteer opportunities will be available throughout the year. Check the FOL Facebook posts, weekly e-blasts, and FOL newsletters for volunteer opportunities.
Parents who wish to volunteer at Lane Tech must complete a simple volunteer approval process. Click here to review the process. Complete the application here.
We are currently looking for people to help in the following areas. We respect your time and will match you with a level of commitment that suits the time you have to give.
Marketing / Communications
Grant Writing
Corporate Sponsorship
Business Donation Solicitation
Social Media
General Volunteers for periodic short term needs
Spirit Store
Thank you for your interest in sharing your time and talents to benefit our students and Lane Tech High School.
Volunteer opportunities can include:
volunteering in the Spirit Store
volunteering at teacher/staff appreciation events
volunteering at the annual Lane open house
volunteering at the new student meet & greet events
attending field trips as a chaperon
volunteering in other school-wide events throughout the school year such as Homecoming or the Senior Oktoberfest.
The ANNUAL Volunteer Process:
Send a copy of your Driver's License or State ID to Miriam Santana at Lane at msantana@cps.edu.
Complete the online form found HERE.
Include Lane Tech College Prep HS as the school where you plan to volunteer on your application.
Monitor your email for a reply from CPS* - remember to check your spam folders, when you receive the APPROVAL email, forward a copy of your approval email to volunteer.comm@friendsoflane.org to be added to the list of approved volunteers. Only approved volunteers will be notified of volunteer opportunities.
Note: The approval process might take several weeks, so please register ASAP for this year's volunteering opportunities. Volunteers must be approved annually for each school they wish to volunteer at. Volunteer approvals from CPS are only valid for the current school year beginning each July 1 and expiring June 30th annually.
Friends of Lane Volunteer Coordinator: volunteer.comm@friendsoflane.org
CPS Volunteer: volunteer@chicagopublicschools.org
Thank you for sharing your valuable time to benefit our students and the entire Lane community!
*CPS completes a background check and will accept or decline a volunteer.